Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Having Fun With Your Pets!

Moment By Moments With(Oreo, Rubbie, Chew- Chew)And Your Beloved Pets!

It may come as a surprise or a shock that your beloved friend and companion for some years will be not with you. That can be a person you care deeply about or in my case a dog named "Rubbie".

Now let me state somthing here before I go forward, "Chew-Chew" my other dog I had at the sametime as "Rubbie" was a very special dog. She had gotten bone cancer in her left shoulder, And we had to put her asleep because of the pain she was going through, She was 91/2 years old.

She was a great dane mix and beautiful, "Rubbie" on the other hand was a chow-chow mix and was beautiful also in her on way! She lived to be about 17 years old. In some of my other posts or writings, I talk about the will of "Rubbie" which you can read about her over comming a sickness that almost took her life.

I have special memories of each of them, I 'am pretty sure you have special memories of your pet wether it was a dog or a cat, Or any other animal that was part of your life! I never want to not give them their due!

Meaning the moments I was blessed to share my life with them, And meant alot to me and others. One of the others is a dog named "Oreo,"She is a great dane mix also with lab as the other half of the mix.

Chew-Chew had just died with Rubbie still being strong for me, And being the only dog to share her moments with me, And others meaning my friends. This story is really about "Oreo"the newest addition to the line of dogs I had in my life.

When Chew- Chew died the staff recommened I get another puppy for me and Rubbie, And the staff was very nice to me, And they were the staff at the University Of Illinois College Of Veterinary Medicine, So I said to them I will consider that suggestion.

Well after about six months a nurse assitant called and said her great dane was having puppies, And that I could get one of her puppies and that she thought it would help me and Rubbie overcome the lost of Chew- Chew. So I said to Rubbie we are going to get you another buddy. And that's where Oreo came into our lives, She was full of fun when she came home to us.

She was only 5 1/2 weeks old when I brought her to my home, And she was all black with this beautiful white designer color on her chest section, and all of her four paws had white diamonds shapes behind her four paws.

She was'nt that big as a puppie, I could hold her in the palm of my hand, She did not cry or wine, She came into our home as if she knew she was suppose to be their.I had to work at night, So nobody would be their with Oreo except for Rubbie, And I put  newspaper down in the kitchen area for her to go potty,And when I got back from my night job, Oreo would be asleep on Rubbie's  stomach, And the newspaper would be full of pee-pee on the kitchen floor.

Oreo seemed  to already be trained  for the newspaper on the kitchen floor. Other area's  of my place was not used as a bathroom to go potty and Oero shocked me in that way, That she knew the newspaper was the bathroom for her to go potty!

I can honestly say Oreo did have a few slip up's, But for her age, I 've never seen a puppie like her use the bathroom without alot of training to just use the newspaper in the kitchen at 5 1/2 weeks old. I can also say Rubbie took that puppie as if that was her pup and she was the mother.

As Oreo started to get older and I took her and Rubbie on their daily walks, I noticed that Oreo loved kids and people and other dogs and cats, Everybody seemed to call Oreo's name, And she knew that was her name!

Oreo started to get big in size and fill out! She was a happy go lucky pup! When people would see her they would call her name, And she would just prance up to them marching like a little pony, And wagging that beautiful long black tail.

People wanted to walk Oreo, And I let them walk her with instructions, I never trained Oreo to sit down or lie down, People would tell me all the time To do this! And I said to them, She will pick that up in time, And I knew this because of the way she caught on using the bathroom on the newspaper on the kitchen floor.

Oreo just seemed to pick up things naturally if commanded to do so.Soon the community started to fall in love with Oreo, The Police would drive by while I was walking Oreo, And they would call out her name and she would run up to their squad cars and stick her head inside of the window of the car, And the officer would rub her head and she would just love that and start prancing in place.

As time went on in our lives, Oero would visit all of her neighborhood dog buddies that had fenced in yards and run up and down and back and fourth with her doggie freinds which were small dogs mostly. Oero would go to people's homes and almost seem like she would ring the doorbell or knock on the door until they came out to say Hello!

And the majority of the home owners were senior citizens, The yellow school buses with kids on them would call Oreo's name and the bus driver would open the door and Oreo would climb up the first step and say Hello to all the kids! It was just a site to see and experience!

Some days she would just wait for the school bus at the corner to pull up and open the door to say, "Hello to the kids and bus driver"! I then knew Oreo was a "community dog", Oreo never has fought any dog and has never bit anyone, And mother's with babies would let Oreo kiss them or lick them and these were small babies not even a year old!

Oreo loves babies and children and senior citizens and any age of people! And she loves cats, She has gotten her nose bloody by cats a few times but she still try's to win them over!

I could write a book about Oreo, But this is not the time, In short I justed wanted to let you know some of the special moments of this pet I have called Oreo, And since those special moments with Oreo, Others have shared these special moments with her too!

Oreo and I now go and visit the nursing home in my community, And she loves her nursing home friends.Oreo collasped on tax day of 2010 this year and with people who helped me to get her to the emergency hospital of the University Of Illinois Veterinary, Oreo came through!

They ran tests to see what was wrong with Oreo, And the test revealed that Oreo has a enlarged heart and that she will be on heart medicine for the rest of her special life. Let me say that the community came through for Oreo's  cost of her hospital bill!

The University Of Illinois Teaching Veterinary Hospital covered alot of the cost for Oreo as well as this service ran by this lady called chelse! The program is called "CARE" and you should send Your gifts Or Donations to (P.O. Box 161  Urbana, IL 61803-0160) The Phone Number is Area Code (217)417-3160

You can also go to:  And for the University Of Illinois Teaching Veterinary Hospital you can go to:    

The phone number for the University Of Illinois Teaching Vet. Hospital is (217)244-1562

Oreo and I would like to say thank you so much to Christine A. Beuoy Of The University Of Illinois Teaching Hospital And The Wonderful Staff who looked after Oreo, And Chelse From The CARE CENTER and others who loves Oreo, And gives her a chance to share more special moments with her in this life!                                                             
                                                                                         Author  By I. Cameron